Book review: The Nameless God

Book review: The Nameless God by Savie Karnel

In the name of God…

Indeed the author has touched the most sensitive topic in the history of humankind and has successfully presented in form of a tale of friendship, love and belief.

This story starts with the everyday school issues of two friends, belonging to different communities and their own manifestation of the problem-solver God.

It is a unique idea of the kids to have a personalized God (The Nameless God), exclusive to help them with their school worries, as the existing Gods have loads of prayers from other people.

Their belief, friendship and love are repeatedly tested in desperate times of communal riots. They also get led to be courageous and do brave and smart things.

This story also shows the compassionate human nature of the otherwise community-led behaviour of the people and how the anti-social elements manipulate.

The kids with their simple but strong belief and logic emerge out of the riot situation victorious with their bond strengthened than before and with an even broader perspective of towards the Almighty…

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