3D Issue
You have seen 3D Movies, Games, Mobile, TV, etc…
Have you heard of a 3D newspaper before?
Yes, 3D Newspaper that’s what the Kids Age newspaper decided to do for its readers.
Movies and TV shows might run 3D content on a specific schedule for a larger pool of audience. But, a newspaper subscribed individually – can be gone through tons of times during a day.
Kids Age is the first and foremost company in publishing a 3D newspaper. We provide 3D glasses along with our newspaper to dive into a never-before experience.

This was an experiment they (publishers of Kids Age) challenged themselves and delivered India’s first 3D Newspaper. It took 3 months for the team of Kids Age to create the customized 3D images for the special edition.
All the images of the articles in the newspaper were 3D and the text was in the regular format.