Why Choose Us
Kids Age is the widest-read monthly newspaper for the children of Indian schools. Fun-filled activities like games, puzzles, stories, interesting articles on mathematics and science are the main attractions of our nationally acclaimed newspaper. Moreover, it provides children with opportunities to get their work published and win prizes. Kids Age/Kids Magazine has been bestowed with many prestigious awards, including ‘Limca Book of Records’, ‘India Book of Records’, ‘Asia Book of Records’, and ‘India’s Best Education Sector Magazine Award’.
- Most Innovative and Widest-read monthly newspaper
- Nationally acclaimed
- 3 Age-appropriate segments
- Super-engaging Special editions
- Learn with fun
12+ Lakh
8K +
No. of SchoolsS
13 +
Awards Achieved
Exciting Features
Age-appropriate Segments
Kids Age gets published in three segments especially designed on the basis of the age groups of children.
Innovative Editions
Kids tend to get bored easily with repetitive and routine stuff. Keeping this in mind, we have designed our “Special Editions”, which are not only engaging but also improve motor and cognitive skills of our young readers!
Fun Activities
Fun filled activities like games, puzzles, stories, interesting articles on math and science are the main attractions of it.
Monthly Prizes
It encourages students to interact with others by participating in the various competitions organised by KIDS AGE.
Monthly contests are organized in which winners, runner ups and participants are given certificate and prizes…
3 Age-appropriate Segments
3 - 5 Years (Preschool, Jr & Sr KG)
It has pictorial content of :
- Alphabet
- Numbers
- Colours
- Shapes
6 - 7 Years (Classes 1 and 2)
This segment contains :
- Puzzles
- Art & Craft activities
- Articles & Fun facts
- Short stories, Jokes and much more
8 - 13 Years (Classes 3 to 8)
Contains topics and activities related to :
- Sports & Academics
- Art & Architecture
- Flora & Fauna
- Natural Phenomenon & History and much more…
Subscribe Now!
2 Years
24 Newspapers25.12% DiscountRs. 2,995.00Rs. 4,000.00SUBSCRIBE NOWCraft Book
FREE Coding Course
FREE 6 Copies (extra)
FREE Contest with Prizes
FREE 1K+ Printables
FREE Delivery – 24 Times
1 Year
12 Newspapers15.25% DiscountRs. 1,695.00Rs. 2,000.00SUBSCRIBE NOWCraft Book
FREE Contest with Prizes
FREE Delivery – 12 Times
6 Months
6 Newspapers10.5% DiscountRs. 895.00Rs. 1,000.00SUBSCRIBE NOWFREE Contest with Prizes
FREE Delivery – 6 Times
Digital Edition100% DiscountRs. 00.00Rs. 1,000.00SUBSCRIBE NOWPrint-at-Home
Bundle of Benefits
Craft Book
Free Delivery
Bundle of Benefits
[FREE] with first issue of the 2-year subscription
FREE WORTH RS. 1,198/-
Reviews & Testimonials
Special Editions

3D Edition

Glow In the Dark Edition

Wet & Reveal Edition

Solar Active Edition

Coded Edition

Rub & Reveal Edition

Do you deliver it to my city?
Yes, we deliver the newspapers throughout India, the rural as well as urban areas. All we request from you is your complete address with landmark and pin code.

Which type of contents you provide in Newspaper?
Sports, Mathematics, Drawing, Art & Architecture, Natural Phenomenon, Flora & Fauna, Outer Space, Geography, History, Civilization and Anthropology and many more are covered in the newspaper using pictorial and textual representation.
Quizzes and activities based on various subjects encourage the kids to understand and gather the knowledge. Besides this, best practices followed in others educational institutions are shared with the readers

How much does the newspaper cost?
For a 2-year subscription, the cost is Rs. 2,995/-, in which you get 1 newspaper every month for 24 months.
The yearly subscription cost is Rs. 1,695/-, in which you get 1 newspaper every month for 12 months.
For a 6-month subscription, the cost is Rs. 895/-, in which you get 1 newspaper every month for 6 months.

If I subscribe today, when will I receive the first copy?
We usually dispatch your first copy within 7-10 working days of the receipt of the order with payment. Once your copy is dispatched, we provide you with a Tracking ID, which helps you in knowing the estimated time of arrival. The Tracking ID is provided to you every month. You can always contact us in case of queries and suggestions.

How many copies would we receive in a month?
You will get one newspaper in a month.

Do I have to pay extra for special edition?
No, there’s no extra cost for the special edition.

How to submit contest form?
Kindly follow the instructions given in the newspaper. Post your response to the head office address of Kids Age, mentioned on the last page of the newspaper as on or before the date mentioned in the rules.

How can I cancel?
In case you are not completely satisfied with our products, you may cancel at any time by mailing with complete subscription order details and receive a full refund on all unserved issues.